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Notre Dame Gate

  • Address
    Triq Il – Kottonera, Birgu, Malta
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
    Prior booking only by telephone 00356 21800992 during office hours or by email [email protected]
  • What to see
    Best surviving Baroque gate in Malta

The Cottonera Gate, also known as Notre Dame Gate, was built in 1675 by the Order of St. John as part of the Cottonera Lines in Malta. This imposing four-story gate is still intact in its original design and features a unique architectural style. In addition to serving as the main gate for the Eastern Provinces, the structure includes four bomb-proof gun emplacements and was used as a lookout.

Designed by Mederico Blondel or Romano Carapecchia, it sits atop the Cottonera area, between the Notre Dame and St. James bastions, overlooking the city of Żabbar. In addition to its defensive function, the gate has preserved history through graffiti left by the successive forces that used it, including the navy of the Order, the French and the British.

Also known as Bieb is-Sultan and Porta della Maria delle Grazie, the gate remains a historical testimony managed by Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna and is available for private events.


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