The Pontifical Portuguese College in Rome, founded in 1898, has served as a residence for Portuguese and other priests pursuing advanced studies in theology and human sciences. Established under the initiative of Bishop António Barroso and other Portuguese dignitaries, it gained canonical recognition from Pope Leo XIII in 1900. The college, which has hosted prominent clergy, including cardinals and bishops, is owned by the Portuguese Episcopal Conference and operates under the Holy See. During World War II, under the leadership of Rector Monsignor Joaquim Carreira, the college sheltered Jews and other persecuted individuals. For this humanitarian act, Monsignor Carreira was honored as “Righteous Among the Nations” in 2010, and the college was recognized as a “Casa di Vita” by the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation. Today, it continues its mission as a hub for priestly formation and intercultural unity.
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Via Nicolò V, 3, Rome, Italy - Web - Visiting Hours
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