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Church of Our Lady of Assumption Carmen Alvarez

Church of the Assumption

The Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Carmena, built in the 16th century, is an outstanding example of Renaissance architecture. Erected on the remains of an ancient castle, this temple has a single nave divided into three sections and barely developed transept arms. The lunette vault covers the nave and the presbytery, and a lowered dome rises over the transept. The elevated choir, located in the gable of the feet, is separated by a semicircular arch and has a wrought iron balustrade. On the left side, a chapel decorated with baroque themes is covered by a half-orange dome.

The bell tower, composed of three sections (two lower ones square and the upper one octagonal), is topped by an octagonal slate spire. The north and south doorways, with monolithic jambs and lintel, are topped by a brick niche and a triangular pediment. Inside, a 2nd century Roman tombstone is found in the north wall of the baptistery. Recently, the church has acquired a new altarpiece in the chapel of Jesus the Nazarene, highlighting the figure of the penitent Jesus.



  • Address
    Calle Sta. Justina, 2, Carmena, Toledo
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
  • What to see
    Altarpiece, Roman tombstone

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