- Address
32952 Sağrak/Sütçüler/Isparta, Turkey - Web
https://www.kulturportali.gov.tr/turkiye/isparta/gezilecekyer/adada-antik-kenti - Visiting Hours
Open - What to see
Ruins of the basilica
Although it is not named in the Acts of the Apostles, this ancient Greco-Roman city is also located on the route of the Apostle Paul, as it passes near the Roman road that he used on his apostolic journeys and which today is called the King’s Road. An early Christian community existed in the place, and it was the episcopal seat during the Byzantine era.
Apart of the remains of pagan temples, a forum, a theater and an acropolis, the excavations have brought to light two Byzantine basilicas, one in the town center built on a previous building, and another near the road. The remains were discovered after an earthquake.