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Tel Gezer Archaeological Site

  • Address
    Highway 44, next to Karmei Josef, Gezer region, Israel
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
  • What to see
    Canaanite cistern, city gate built by Solomon


Tel Gezer is an archaeological site and a national park , located on the ancient road between Jaffa and Jerusalem and is associated with the ancient Canaanite city of Gezer. The mound is one of the most important mounds in the Land of Israel. The history of the mound spans for 5,000 years, from the end of the Neolithic period to the time of the Crusaders.

The ancient vilage of Gezer is mentioned in the Bible in several places, the first time being in the war of Joshua Ben-Nun against the kings of the south. In Gezer was found a Gezer tablet attributed to the tenth century BC, and considered for a long time to be the oldest inscription in Hebrew found in archaeological excavations.

In addition, significant historical sites were uncovered in the hill, including: the fortifications of the city walls, Solomon’s Gate, a waterworks well, a two-story Egyptian palace, the Beit Melech Gezer. Ruins of the city of Gezer, named at least 12 times in the Bible.


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