The chapel of Santa Ana de Premoño, located in Las Regueras, Asturias, is a historical testimony of great importance in the Primitive Way of St. James. Its origins date back to the 15th century and are linked to the old pilgrims’ hospital that existed from that time until the 18th century. The chapel was a place of devotion and refuge for pilgrims, and its existence is linked to the invocation of Saint Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, considered the defender of the lame and crippled.
Although the chapel was plundered during the Civil War, it preserves valuable images and original elements, such as the image of St. Anthony and the 18th-century patron saint who shows the Virgin Mary a book. The structure of the chapel and its connection to the old hospital testify to its historical and spiritual importance in the context of the Camino de Santiago.
- Address
Lugar Premoño, 7A, 33190 Premoño, Asturias
- Web
None - Visiting Hours
Unknowm - What to see
Tiny chapel