The Church of San Miguel Arcángel in Tornadizos de Ávila, located in the Plaza Mayor, was built in ashlar and masonry with a liturgical orientation. It dates from the middle of the 16th century, but in 1967 and 1976 it underwent extensive renovations that affected its walls, roof, belfry and portico. Its structure has a rectangular chevet, a single nave, an arcaded doorway and a granite belfry with pediment.
In the interior, a baroque altarpiece of three streets stands out, with the image of San Miguel Arcángel in the central one. The altar, from Arévalo, was adapted in 1974 and shows a baroque style adjusted to the space. In addition, more than four centuries ago, this parish was the site of the Santa Vera Cruz Brotherhood, an institution of historical and cultural importance in the town.
- Address
Calle Iglesia, 41, Tornadizos de Ávila - Web
None - Visiting Hours
Unknown - What to see
Baroque altarpiece